Thursday, 21 April 2011

SYSDATE in Postgres

The equivalent of Oracle's SYSDATE in Postgres is CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.

At least in the context I needed it in!

I learnt about timestamp arithmetic in Postgres from here:

Thursday, 7 April 2011

IntelliJ hang

If you find IntellJ just hangs and you have the kill the process, then you restart and it hangs again, its probably an issue with your JDK. I followed the steps here marked workaround:

Basically this involved editing the JVM startup properties to disable cardmarking or some such. The details are all contained in the link.

IntelliJ worked perfectly afterward. Its quite ironic as I was thinking how much I liked IntelliJ just before it happened. At least it was an easy fix. I am using the version 10 Community edition.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Windows 7 RDP Slow

If your RDP connections in Windows 7 are slow, over a VPN or whatever then go:

netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=highlyrestricted

From an administrator command shell on the machine initiating the RDP connection.